Congratulations to Iona who won have achieved back to back wins to claim the the IGSSA X-Country Champion School title in 2024, the second time in the 41 year history of this event! St Hilda's put in a strong performance to hold on to 2nd place, with MLC finishing in 3rd position. Please see the results section for more details.
The 2025 Cross Country Event will be held on Monday the 16th of June at Aldebury Reserve, the event to start at 12.40pm.
Ten students from each year group of each school compete with Year 7-9 girls running a 3km course and Year 10-12 girls running a 4km course around Alderbury Reserve and Perry Lakes
Spectators are welcome and requested to park in side streets on the East side of Alderbury Street & in certain areas on Aldebury St. There is to be no parking on the marked sections of Aldebury Street (this is for buses only), and parents are not to park in the Bold Park Carpark at the entrance of Perry Lakes Drive. Town of Cambridge Rangers will also allow parking on Perry Lakes Drive for the duration of the carnival.
Please click on the link for X-Country Spectator information.
The overall results and Year group results can be found below. Individual results can also be seen below, but due to the privacy act, IGSSA cannot publish the names of runners. Individuals can be identified by their chip number on the day. Please contact your school for information on your race number or if you would like details on individual placings and times.
The overall results and Year group results can be found below. Individual results can also be seen below, but due to the privacy act, IGSSA cannot publish the names of runners. Individuals can be identified by their chip number on the day. Please contact your school for information on your race number or if you would like details on individual placings and times.
Yellow line indicates 3km course for Year 7-9. Red line shows the 4km course for Year 10-12.
2024 Year Pennant and Overall ResultsFor individual competitor results (runner number is required as names cannot be published), please click on
Click on the link for a the history of schools that have won the IGSSA Cross Country.
Alderbury Reserve, Perry Lakes (opposite YMCA Clubrooms)
Teams Numbers and Scoring
Yr 11/12 combined maximum of 10 runners with 5 scores to count.
Yr 7, 8, 9 & 10 maximum of 10 runners with 5 scores to count.
In each race a maximum of 80 runners will start. At the finish 1st place = 1 point, 2nd place = 2 points and so on, until the last girl finishes. The team with the lowest number of points is the winning team (only the fastest five runners from each school count).
Distances and Event Times
Year 7, 8 & 9 3 kilometres
Years 10 & 11/12 4 kilometres
12.40pm - Year 7
1.00pm - Year 8
1.20pm - Year 9
1.40pm - Year 10
2.00pm - Year 11/12 (Marshalling occurs 15 minutes prior to event)
Presentations will occur at approximately 2:35pm
All competitors must have their individual number on their left upper arm and their timing chip on their left ankle.
Competitors must go to the marshalling area 15 minutes before the start time of their event.Alderbury Reserve, Perry Lakes (opposite YMCA Clubrooms)